Saturday, June 16, 2012

between we and Him

‎Aku berpakaian longgar dan menutup auratbelum tentu aku solehah
Wall FB Aku penuh dengan post Islamic
♥ belum tentu aku amalkan semuanya
Namun Sekurang2nya Aku berusaha menjadi lebih baik

Mengikut syariat Islam selagi termampu ,usah malu untuk berubah ke jalanNya, hanya ALLAH yang tahu niat seseorang. 
'Orang yang mati dalam kekafiran ,maka mereka itulah yang mendapat azab yang pedih dan tidak memperoleh penolong'

The way of guidance

A Non Muslim Guy Asked A Muslim, Why Do Your Girls Cover Up Their Body & Hair? The MuslimGuy Smiled And Got Two Sweets, He Opened The First One& Kept The Other One Closed.
He Thrown Them Both On The Dusty Floor And Asked The Guy, If I Asked You To Take One Of The Sweets Which One You Will Choose? The Man Replied- The Covered One, Then The Muslim Said That's How We Treat  See Our Women.? ????
Alhamdulillah ! Proud To Be A Muslim, Praise To ALLAH That We Are Muslim.
Oh My ALLAH, Please Help Every Muslim Is In Troubles... amen;D

Monday, June 11, 2012

hello Asslamualaikum ;)

how many of us actually say "Assalamualaikum" instead of a "Yo", "Hi" or even gasp "Wassup" whenever we see a fellow Muslim?

When we say "Assalamu'alaikum" to other Muslims, we are not merely "greeting" them, but we are also making a du'a for them to have peace. Get it? "Assalamu'alaikum" means "may peace be upon you". Hence, whenever we say it to others, we pray to Allah for them to have peace.

Can we "spread the du'a of peace" to non-Muslims?
Why not, right? but we can't give salaam to non-Muslims. Okay, well, probably most of you are already aware of that.

According to a verse in the Qur'an, we are prohibited from making a du'a to ask for forgiveness for the non-Muslims:

"It is not fitting for the Prophet and those who believe, that they should pray for forgiveness for the Mushriks, even though they be of kin, after it is clear to them that they are companions of the fire." - [Qur'an, Sura 9 (At-Taubah), verse 113]

 So, logically, saying "Assalamu'alaikum" is the best way to do it.


Jangan ucap 'saya sayang dia krn ALLAH..'
Jangan kata 'saya rindu dia krn ALLAH..'
Siapa yang ajar kamu untuk berkata begitu ?
selagi tiada ikatan yang sah, tak perlu luahkan rasa sayang dan rindu pada orang lain seolah2 hubungan itu diredhai ALLAH. sekiranya tiada jodoh dgn dia, bagaimana?

ucapan SAYANG dan RINDU seeloknya ditujukan utk ALLAH, Rasulullah dan ibu bapa kita.

Orang yang tinggi mana pun ilmu agamanya , jika iman tak kuat, pasti akan terjunam juga ke kancah maksiat. Syaitan memang licik ! Jadi berhati2 lah wahai sahabat.

:3 also remind my self